
Archives preserve the documents from which historians interpret and share our history. In the hopes of promoting a greater awareness and appreciation of our shared history as Canadian Presbyterians, the Archives has developed the following exhibits.
As time goes by, we hope to continually add new exhibits that highlight some of the special collections within our Archives, or touch upon unique and exciting aspects of our history. We hope that you will find them interesting and informative, and we hope they open a desire to learn more about our Presbyterian heritage.

100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

100th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

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The Story of Rev. William King and the Buxton Mission

The Story of Rev. William King and the Buxton Mission

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Residential Schools: Photographs from the Archives

Residential Schools: Photographs from the Archives

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Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women 1966-2016

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Ordination of Women 1966-2016

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History of The Presbyterian College

History of The Presbyterian College

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Knox College – 100 Years on 59 St.George Street

Knox College – 100 Years on 59 St.George Street

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Historical Vignettes: Snapshots from Our History

Historical Vignettes: Snapshots from Our History

Scottish Roots of The Presbyterian Church in Canada The Presbyterian Church in Canada has its historical roots within the Church in Scotland, following closely its doctrine, church government and forms of worship. The structure of the Church of Scotland itself,...

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