“As camping presumes an out-of-doors setting, a special opportunity is given for developing awareness of God at work in His world, to see nature at his handiwork, and to discover what it means to relate to God’s world. Church camping should offer experience in what it means to live together in Christian community, help to develop appreciation of the world of nature and encourage understanding and practice of stewardship of the environment” – From “Camping with a Difference – the Uniqueness of Church Camping” by Mrs. Clara Rosevear.
– From 1991-1033-7-1: Advisory Committee on Church Camping, 1974-1978
Camping has always had an important role in The Presbyterian Church in Canada: it is a tool of community-building, fosters Christian education and personal growth, and provides opportunities to inspire future leaders. The Archives of The Presbyterian Church in Canada houses many documents and photographs that illustrate the history of church camping.
This exhibit is designed to highlight the history of camping in the Presbyterian Church and presents a glimpse into the many activities that make a typical day at camp. Begin with a brief introduction to each camp: their history, landscapes, and evolution. Details for the camp histories were collected from: directors’ reports, anniversary histories, personal accounts, press clippings, and camp brochures.
The “Day at Camp” slide show presents a sampling of camp photographs held at the Archives. Since camping has evolved over the years, the photographs depict both old and modern aspects of camp. From sunrise ceremonies to evening prayer and songs around the campfire, the images capture the spirit of camping and the memories created therein.
This slideshow gathers photographs from the graphics collection at the Archives to present some highlights of a typical day at camp. Even though each camp is unique, these images capture some of the more traditional camping activities and experiences. “A Day at Camp” includes sunrise ceremonies and morning swims, prayer and times of quiet reflection, games, swimming, sports, and music. Dating as far back as 1930 to the early days of the oldest church camps, these photos depict how church camps have evolved throughout the years. We hope you enjoy them and that they bring back some of your own memories if you attended a Presbyterian Church camp.
This Project has been made possible [in part] by the Government of Canada through the Young Canada Works and Heritage Organizations Program. « Ce projet a été rendu possible [en partie] grâce au gouvernement du Canada par de Jeunesse Canada au travail et le Programme des organismes patrimoniaux». This exhibit was created by the Archives summer intern, Daniela Melo.
*Copyright 2012 – The Presbyterian Church in Canada
If you wish to quote or use any part of this website exhibit, please give credit to The Presbyterian Church in Canada Archives.